
Jun 2024
1st Pediatric Medical Rehabilitation Congress

  • The 1st Pediatric Medical Rehabilitation Congress was held at ITU Süleyman Demirel Cultural Center between June 6-8.

    The 1st Pediatric Medical Rehabilitation Congress aims to evaluate various issues in the field of pediatric rehabilitation in the light of current knowledge together with physical medicine and rehabilitation physicians, related branch specialists and other health professionals; to create the opportunity to discuss different views and share practice experiences. In this context, the primary objectives of the congress include the multidisciplinary transfer of research and practices related to physical health and inclusion in social life in the transition from childhood to adolescence and then to adult life with a holistic and inclusive perspective.

    On Friday, June 7, the first session titled "Holistic and Inclusive Approach to Pediatric Rehabilitation; When, Who, How?" focused on the holistic perspective of Pediatric Rehabilitation, physical medicine and rehabilitation, neurology and orthopedics specialist physician approaches, transition processes from childhood to adolescence and adulthood, the importance of inclusive society and environment, and factors affecting the quality of life of children and their families. Assoc. Prof. Göksenin İnalhan, one of the Board Members of ITU Women's Research and Application Center, participated as a panelist in this session and explained the role of inclusive design in the lives of disabled children and families as an architect working on accessibility.
    As ITU Women's Research and Application Center, it was a great pleasure to be involved in this productive event and to be able to support the congress in our venues. Thank you to everyone who contributed, we wish to be together in many more meetings.

    You can visit to keep up to date with all the information about the congress and to get detailed information.