I.T.U. Center for Research and Applications of Women in Science, Engineering and Technology
Purpose, Scope, Basis and Definitions
ARTICLE 1- (1) The purpose of this Regulation is to regulate the procedures and principles regarding the purpose, fields of activity, governing bodies and duties of the governing bodies of the Istanbul Technical University Women's Research in Science, Engineering and Technology Application and Research Center established under Istanbul Technical University.
ARTICLE 2- (1) This Bylaw covers the provisions regarding the purpose, fields of activity, governing bodies, duties of the governing bodies, and working style of Istanbul Technical University Women's Research in Science, Engineering and Technology Application and Research Center.
ARTICLE 3- (1) This Regulation has been prepared based on subparagraph (2) of subparagraph (d) of the first paragraph (d) of Article 7 and Article 14 of the Higher Education Law dated 4/11/1981 and numbered 2547.
ARTICLE 4- (1) In this Regulation;
a) Center Istanbul Technical University Women in Science, Engineering and Technology Research and Application Center,
b) Advisory Board of the Center: The Advisory Board of the Center,
c) Center Director: The Director of the Center,
ç) Center Board of Directors: The Board of Directors of the Center,
d) Rector: The Rector of Istanbul Technical University,
e) University: Istanbul Technical University
refers to.
Purpose and Fields of Activity of the Center
Purpose of the Center
ARTICLE 5- (1) The purpose of the Center is to conduct scientific research, practice and education in the fields of its activities.
Areas of activity of the Center
ARTICLE 6- (1) The fields of activity of the Center are as follows:
a) To address the concept of gender in a multidimensional manner and to contribute to the accumulation of knowledge on this subject through academic studies conducted and to be conducted at the University,
b) To conduct research and studies to ensure equal opportunities for women and men in science, engineering, technology and arts, to raise social awareness on this issue, to monitor relevant practices, and to ensure the development and supervision of databases and indicators,
c) To support the sharing, evaluation and development of the results obtained in the fields of activity of the Center within the University and civil society interaction networks,
ç) Conducting, encouraging and participating in research, investigation, practice, consultancy and training,
d) To organize courses, seminars, conferences, congresses and similar meetings for public and private sector employees and academicians in cooperation with national and international organizations,
e) To contribute to increasing the visibility of the field of women's studies and women's contribution to social/academic life, to contribute to the continuous and up-to-date provision of publications and documents that will enable the creation of an information center at the University on this subject,
f) To contribute to the provision of science, engineering, technology and arts education at the University with gender awareness; to contribute to the preparation of educational resources, research and publications with gender awareness; to encourage the opening of programs and courses on gender and women's issues,
g) To contribute to improving the awareness of organizations on gender equality in employment and internships,
ğ) To conduct research to identify existing problems on gender and equal opportunities at the university,
h) To conduct all kinds of internal and external correspondence for the conduct of scientific activities on related subjects, to publish reports, bulletins, projects, books, journals and similar publications explaining scientific and technical data,
ı) To carry out other studies to be assigned by the authorized bodies of the University within the fields of activity of the Center.
Governing Bodies and Duties of the Center
Governing Bodies of the Center
ARTICLE 7- (1) The governing bodies of the Center are as follows:
a) Center Director
b) Center Board of Directors,
c) Center Advisory Board.
Center director and his/her duties
ARTICLE 8- (1) The Director of the Center is appointed by the Rector for three years from among the faculty members who have studies in the relevant field and work full-time at the University. The Center Director whose term of office expires may be reappointed in the same manner. The same method is applied for the dismissal of the Center Director. The Center Director is the representative of the Center.
(2) A member recommended by the Center Director from among the members of the Center Board of Directors to assist him/her in his/her work is appointed by the Rector as the deputy director of the Center.
(3) The Center Director leaves his/her deputy in case of short-term absences. The period of deputization is maximum six months. In the event that the deputyship lasts for more than six months or the Center Director leaves his/her position for any reason before the end of the election period, a new Center Director is appointed to fill his/her term.
(4) The duty of the Center Director is to prepare the activities of the Center, the activity report and the work program for the following year at the end of each year and present it to the Center Board of Directors.
Central board of directors and its duties
ARTICLE 9 - (1) The Board of Directors of the Center consists of five members in total, including the Center Director and the deputy director. The other three members are determined by the University Board of Directors from among the candidates who have studies in the fields of activity of the Center and who are recommended by the Center Director and appointed by the Rector for three years.
(2) Members whose term expires may be re-elected. New members are elected to complete the remaining term in place of those who leave before the completion of their term or who are assigned outside their institutions for more than six months.
(3) The Board of Directors of the Center convenes under the chairmanship of the Center Director, once a month as ordinary and, when necessary, as extraordinary upon the call of the Center Director.
(4) The duties of the Center Board of Directors are as follows:
a) To take decisions on issues related to the activities and management of the Center and to examine the proposals prepared by the Center Director regarding the determination and assignment of the technical and administrative staff of the Center and submit them to the Rector for approval,
b) To make recommendations for the members of the Advisory Board of the Center,
c) To assist in the preparation and organization of the activity report, the triennial action plan and the work program for the following year, which will be submitted to the Advisory Board of the Center at the end of each activity year, and to put into practice the activity report, the triennial action plan and the work program evaluated by the Advisory Board of the Center.
(5) The Board of Directors of the Center convenes with the absolute majority of the total number of members and takes decisions with the majority of the votes of those attending the meeting. In case of equality of votes, the vote of the Center Director shall be deemed to be the majority.
Center advisory board and its duties
ARTICLE 10 - (1) The Advisory Board of the Center consists of faculty members who have research and publications in the relevant field at the University, other universities, and representatives of public and private sector institutions and organizations related to the subject upon their request, recommended by the Board of Directors of the Center and approved by the Rectorate. Members are elected for three years. The maximum number of members is twenty. The Center Advisory Board convenes at least twice a year upon the call of the Center Director. Members whose term expires may be re-elected, and new members are elected by the same method to fill the remaining term in place of those who leave before the end of their term.
(2) The duty of the Advisory Board of the Center is to evaluate the annual study activities prepared by the Center Director and approved by the Board of Directors of the Center and the program for the next study year, to give opinions, and to make suggestions on new study topics.
(3) An absolute majority is required for the meetings.
Miscellaneous and Final Provisions
Fixtures and equipment
ARTICLE 11- (1) All kinds of tools, equipment and fixtures purchased within the scope of research and applications supported by the Center are allocated to the use of the Center.
Expenditure authority
ARTICLE 12 - (1) The Rector is the expenditure authority of the Center. The Rector may delegate this authority to the Center Director.
Personnel needs
ARTICLE 13 - (1) The academic, administrative and technical personnel needs of the Center are met by the personnel to be assigned by the Rector in accordance with Article 13 of the Higher Education Law No. 2547.
ARTICLE 14 - (1) This Regulation enters into force on the date of its publication.
ARTICLE 15 - (1) The provisions of this Regulation shall be executed by the Rector of Istanbul Technical University.