
Sep 2024
Women in First Place in All Three Cadets!

Turkish Female Cadets Top Türkiye's National Defense University Graduation

Ebru Eroğlu from the Land War College, Şeyda Yıldırım from the Naval War College and İkra Kuyumcu from the Air War College took the first place in their circuits.

The National Defense University (MSU) Air Force Academy in Istanbul's Bakırköy district marked a first at the diploma receiving and flag handover ceremony held on Saturday.

Top graduates of National Defense University War Colleges

- Lieutenant Ebru Eroglu: Top honor at the Army War College
- Lieutenant Seyda Yildirim: Top honor at the Naval War College
- Lieutenant Ikra Kuyumcu: Led her class at the Air War College



     Ebru Eroğlu, the valedictorian of the Turkish Military Academy, led the pledge after the graduation ceremony by saying “We are the soldiers of Mustafa Kemal”. During the ceremony, Eroğlu and the other lieutenants said, “We swear that the hands that reach for the independence of the secular and democratic Republic of Turkey, the indivisible integrity of our country, the honor and dignity of the great Turkish nation, and an inch of soil of our beloved homeland will find us. Happy to be a Turk,” said the oath.


     This success proves that women can achieve the highest success in military education and careers. This development, which is considered a first in the history of the Turkish Armed Forces, demonstrates that it is possible to achieve success in the military field without gender discrimination. This success achieved by our female lieutenants sets an encouraging example for young women's military career aspirations and creates a strong role model for them.

     This development, which contributes to strengthening the representation of women in the military, will contribute to strengthening policies to give more importance and support to the training and careers of female soldiers.