On this important day, KAUM has organized a significant event for women that targeted the issues of women entrepreneurship and ways to improve the process. 42 attendees including students, graduates, ITU academics and administrative staff have attended.
In the workshop, the attendees were divided into 4 groups and each group evaluated women entrepreneurship process by using SWOT analysis which involves strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. Attendees indicated those qualities in general: for strengths, being graduated from ITU and high motivation; for weakness, social norms and absence of role models; for opportunities, support for entrepreneurship and image of ITU; for threats, cultural reasons and global problems.
At the end of the workshop, the recommendations in order to increase the number of women entrepreneurs in ITU ecosystem were given: camps and workshops should be arranged directed at women entrepreneurship, mentorship bonds are need to be formed, courses and certificates from GINOVA and similar organizations should be given, and meetings with role models should be organized.